High Spirited Sree's blog

Amma in Mauritius

Posted on: August 12, 2009

Location: Religion | Experiences | Amma in Mauritius

Mata Amritanadamayi (Amma) visited Mauritius in April. Yes and I was fortunate enough to meet her. To be frank, im not exactly a follower of Amma. Only thing that was close to being related to Amma was being admitted once in Amrita Hospital Kochi. hehe

I wanted to meet her, to know what power she holds to attract millions from all around the world. My mother-in-law was here on a holiday, she too got excited on hearing about Amma visiting Mauritius. Most of my relatives are Amma’s devotees.

We waited till we were allowed to enter the hall. Looking around, there were devotees distributing booklets, small stalls selling religiuos books and audio cassettes and also soem food stalls were there too. Seemed like a festival mood to me!!

Once all were seated inside the hall, a follower started with his speech, on the powers of Amma. He was a software engineer working in the US, he had left his job and all worldly possesions for love of Amma. Following the speech there was bhajans. In an hour I guess Amma entered the hall. I managed to take few, but it wasnt clear. In a minute I was asked by volunteers not to take snaps.

My first impression: A very normal human being, always smiling.

Once seated she started with her speech, she speaks only in Malayalam. There was a french devotee who was translating it for the Mauritians.

Once the speech and bhajans were over, it was time for Amma’s blessings. In 10 min we were next to Amma. There was a line of volunteers guarding her. Our handbags wer taken, hairpins removed, our faces wiped with tissue, hmmm strange..they say its for Amma’s safety as she hugs kisses her devotees.

On knowing we were keralites all around Amma started conversing with us. Mom-in -law was the first one to get Amma’s embrace.She was literally in a floating state in the vicinity of Amma. hehe.. She got really excited and couldn’t stop conversing with Amma. Then came my turn to get her embrace

2nd Impression : A hug from a fat person hehe.

I guess Amma too was relieved to find some Malayalam speaking devotees amongst the french and creole speaking crowd. She gave us some prasad and I got a fruit too..spl blessing!!

Ramnath was waiting for us. He did get a token on arriving from office, but he wasn’t interested in the personal blessing. He was more than happy that we made it. He did see the whole function on a screen arranged in the front. Following are some snaps he had taken from outside the hall

At the end of the day: I didn’t feel any kind of energy radiating from her. It was just like meeting any other person.

I believe all human beings have some energy radiating from within. It might be a positive one or a negative one. Its the positive energy that gives a person his charm and ability to attract others. Amma didn’t have any negative energy but nor the great positive energy which I expected. Many of her disciples or followers who were there with her did possess it. Maybe that’s where her energy lies.

2 Responses to "Amma in Mauritius"


Just read your post and found the last part very interesting:

At the end of the day: I didn’t feel any kind of energy radiating from her. It was just like meeting any other person. I believe all human beings have some energy radiating from within. It might be a positive one or a negative one. Its the positive energy that gives a person his charm and ability to attract others. Amma didn’t have any negative energy but nor the great positive energy which I expected. Many of her disciples or followers who were there with her did possess it. Maybe that’s where her energy lies.

My comment on this:

I’ve spent 5-7 weeks/year with Amma the past 10 years, and initially my impression was pretty similar in that I did not “feel” anything.

Also, most of her devotees are very very special, they have tremendous positive energy and light and I felt reassured by their integrity when I felt she seemed like a normal human being who could not understand my thoughts.

It took me a lot of close observation and at least 2 years to realize that:

(1) She’s the only person I know who speaks the truth 100% of the time. Whatever she says will be true or comes true (or) for people who ask her for advice and don’t act on her suggestion, will later realize it was probably the best thing to have done
(2) Her physical presence is very conducive to inner silence – and the silence of the mind in her presence is so “normal” that it’s easy to miss. Often if people are looking for some metaphysical thrills or energy it won’t happen except for a few. Anyways the absolute is beyond “experiences” so there’s no way to validate one’s intuition or feelings of special energy even if it happened.
(3) She’s the most hard working person you can possibly meet on earth, and the awesome thing is the complete focus She puts in every moment – no one can dispute it, because a camera that captures her movements 24 hours a day can easily prove this, besides she’s in public literally 20 – 22 hours a day without a break for over 30 years.
(4) Her devotees who’re special got that way by spending LOTS of time around her and having had the fortune of her participation in their lives over the years. So they’ve both imbibed grace in the form of inner silence over a long time AND seen her practical wisdom, their own mistakes, her compassion exactly when required etc.
(5) She may or may not be the person to go to for instant benefits – it depends on the seeker’s openness and destiny. Sometimes the people who have problems feel the specialness of her embrace and the resulting effects far more than a person who has no major problems, but has the attitude of believing in his/ her own feelings or intellectual analysis
(6) Undoubtedly one who fits the qualities mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita about the qualities of a jnani – absolute fearlessness, detachment, even-mindedness etc. Though it’s evident only with close observation over a period of time for most people. She does not ever “show” anything UNLESS it is required in the moment to help someone.
(7) I hope you will go for darshan in Mauritius – I plan to come all the way from SF. Every day in Amma’s presence is a priceless luxury, a gift to oneself, and the benefits are easily felt by one who decides to relax in her presence rather than analyze [again, my own experience – took me 4-5 years to learn how to relax and stop analyzing constantly, and now it’s pure bliss around her, the last tour i couldn’t feel the weight of my body when I walked. A few days after Amma left the weight came back, so did the mind and the tension in the muscles – all of which seems normal to most people because they’ve long lost that joy of childhood and being totally involved in the moment]

AMMA is beyond comprehension
The intellect fails in her presence
For she is embodiment of compassion, wisdom and truth
She is Divinity incarnate in simpicity!
Om Namashivaya!

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